List of Screen Designer Functions (I - Z)

Inquiry [38] Performs a price or balance inquiry.
Inquiry Cash [83] Performs a cash in drawer inquiry and temporarily displays the results on the cashier display.
Inquiry Gift Card [84] Performs a Gift Card balance inquiry (legacy non-EMV merchant processing only).
Inquiry Order [96] Launches a dialog that will allow you to scroll through, view and recall all open orders.
Inquiry Tips In [194] Temporarily displays the amount of Tips collected (in) from this register/shift.
Inquiry Tips Out [195] Temporarily displays the amount of Tips paid (out) from this register/shift.
Journal [124] Launches Journal dialog to view and optionally reprint  transactions for current register or cashier on current day.
Label [196] Used to enter static text on screen designer, i.e. column headings.
Loan [55] The Loan key is used to record cash loaned to the till and prints a receipt. Also used to enter opening drawer amounts.
Log Off [126] Exits the POS (without closing the shift) and invokes the User Sign On screen.
Lottery Payout [4] The Lottery Payout key is used to perform an in-line payout of winning lottery ticket(s).
Mfr Deal 1 Disc
Mfr Deal 2 Disc
Mfr Deal 3 Disc
Used with Tobacco Scan Data. OK to prepend with $ amount.
Modify Item [103] Modify (or delete without audit trail) a Food Service Item already on the current transaction.
Modify (Preserve) [182] Modify (or delete with audit trail) a Food Service Item already on the current transaction.
No Sale [25] Used to open the cash drawer without ringing a sale. Receipt and journal entry logs usage.
No Tax [26] Use to exempt either the current item or the entire transaction from tax.
Offline Credit [132] Used to tender to a Credit Card for offline (non-integrated) processing. Useful when you have a backup stand-alone payment device in addition to integrated merchant processing.
Offline Debit [133] Used to tender to a Debit Card for offline (non-integrated) processing. Useful when you have a backup stand-alone payment device in addition to integrated merchant processing.
Offline EBT Cash [134] Used to tender to EBT Cash for offline (non-integrated) processing. Useful when you have a backup stand-alone payment device in addition to integrated merchant processing.
Offline EBT Food [135] Used to tender to EBT Food for offline (non-integrated) processing. Useful when you have a backup stand-alone payment device in addition to integrated merchant processing.
Offline Gift Card [136] Used to tender to a Gift Card for offline (non-integrated) processing. Useful when you have a backup stand-alone payment device in addition to integrated merchant processing.
Open Items (6)
Open Items (14)
Open Items (28)
Launches an on-the-fly scrolling screen & keypad containing (##) items with a $0.00 price, sorted alphabetically.
Open PLU [99] Performs an Open PLU ring (price override). Select the PLU by clicking the magnifying glass icon. In the POS, enter the price first, followed by the Open PLU button.
Order [172] Hold an order for recall at a later time.
Order (w/detail) [2] Hold an order with details or notes for recall at a later time.
Order Total [176] Inactive - no longer used.
Payment on Account [54] Used to accept payment to a loaded customer account's charge balance. Preface with the amount paid.
Payment Terminal [64] Accesses the legacy (non-EMV) customer-facing payment terminal to finalize payment.
Payout [56] Records the cash amount paid out of the drawer, typically to vendors delivering to the store, and prints a receipt
Percent of Balance [193] Calculates a percentage of the total balance due, after any other tendering. Used in conjunction with service fee PLU's. Preface with the percentage and append with the service fee PLU.
Percent of Subtotal [191] Calculates a percentage of the transaction subtotal. Used in conjunction with service fee PLU's. Preface with the percentage and append with the service fee PLU.
Percent of Total [192] Calculates a percentage of the transaction total, other tenders excluded. Used in conjunction with service fee PLU's. Preface with the percentage and append with the service fee PLU.
Percentage Discount [34] Use to apply a discount to one or more items where discounts are permitted.
PLU [46] Used to perform a PLU ring.
Price Change [177] Use to change retail price of product. Enter new price, followed by Price Change function button, followed by scan/touch of Product. Changes are saved in the database and reflected in POS transactions (scans) once the POS computer(s) SYNC or use the Update Register function.
Price Override [36] Use to manually override the price on file for an item.
Pricing Shortcut [175] Opens the Everyday Pricing Task screen from within the Point of Sale. Changes are reflected once the POS computer(s) SYNC or use the Update Register function.
Print Menu [29] Launches print dialog for reprinting (receipt printer or system printer) or emailing previous transaction receipt.
Print [178] Reprints the last transaction receipt to receipt printer.
Print On/Off [308] Toggle to suspend printing of the receipt for the current transaction only. Resets on next transaction.
Produce Codes [95] Launches the Produce Codes dialog for searching and selecting produce with matching IFPS Produce lookup codes.
Products Shortcut [166] This function opens the Products screen so that you may find and edit Products from within the Point of Sale. Changes are reflected once the POS computer(s) SYNC or use the Update Register function.
Quantity [35] Use this key (@ For) to input a quantity for multiplication and registration of split sales for packaged items.
Qty Only [183] Use this key, prefaced by a quantity, to sell that quantity of the next item selected or scanned.
Reboot ECO on Z [345] This special function code should be prepended to the Day End or Z-Report function to reboot your ECO Payment Device (Lane 3000/7000) when closing a shift. ECO devices require daily reboots, and this special function can be used by stores that are open 24 hours, to prevent an automated reboot at a time when the store is still open. Requires a special setup. Contact us for details.
Rebuild Tables [127] Diagnostic to rebuild data tables. Should not be used without instruction from StoreTender Support.
Refund [33] Press prior to entering or scanning an item to refund that item.
Rent [305] Launches the POS Rental dialog. (See Rentals Feature.)
Rental Return [306] Launches the POS Rental Return dialog. (See Rentals Feature.)
Reserved [179]
Reserved. Do not use.
Room Charge [165] Custom function, not for general use.
Sale Items (16)
Sale Items (32)
Sale Items (64)
Launches an on-the-fly scrolling screen containing (##) items currently on sale pricing, sorted alphabetically.
Salesperson [301] Apply the salesperson to the transaction. Preface with the employee number. Used for commission and spiff tracking.
Screen Number [97] Preface with screen number to switch to that screen. Use the magnifying glass (find) icon to select one screen in particular.
Seat [164] Assign text note for seat number, used most with in-store dining.
Secure [20] Temporarily secure the POS.
Sell Money Order [141] Sell a money order with or without fees, as defined in Money Orders.
Sell Wire Transfer [142] Sell a wire transfer with or without fees, as defined in Wire Transfers.
Serial Number [303] Launches the serial number entry dialog.
Subtotal [50] Multifunction key that, when used by itself, will display the transaction total less any amounts paid. May also be used in conjunction with other keys (see link for details).
Subtotal No Tax [86] The Subtotal No Tax key removes tax from the entire transaction.
Subtotal Discount [87] The Subtotal Percent Discount key applies a percentage discount to all discountable items on the transaction at the time the key is pressed.
Subtotal Void [88] Used to void (cancel) the entire transaction.
Surcharge Override [346] Press before Payment Terminal button to suppress charging Credit Card Surcharge. Must be using Integrated Processing with EasyCheckout, and have set up a Surcharge merchant processing account through Aloha Data Systems.
Suspend / Resume [30] Use to Suspend or Resume a transaction while the current shift is open.
Tare [23] The Tare key allows entering a tare weight.
Tips (IN) [197] Used to enter the amount of a tip paid to register. Tips are pooled and not assigned to specific cashiers. Preface with the amount of the tip.
Tips (OUT) [198] Used to enter the amount of tips removed from the register and paid to staff. Preface with the amount removed. Use the 'Eligible Tips Out' function to determine the amount of tips that can be paid.
TPR Items (16)
TPR Items (32)
TPR Items (64)
Launches an on-the-fly scrolling screen containing (##) items currently on TPR pricing, sorted alphabetically.
Update Register [98] Used to update (synchronize) the data files used by the POS. Useful whenever you need to update inventory, customer, employee or screen layout data.
Utility Payment (1) to (10) [143] to [152] Use to accept a customer utility payment and optionally charge a convenience fee based on the Utility Payment Fee Schedule.
URL [123] Used to launch internal web browser to URL specified directly before macro (i.e. '[123]').
Void [32] Use to void an entry (without audit trail) or an entire transaction.
Void (Preserve) [125] Use to void an entry (with audit trail) or an entire transaction.
Weight [27] Preface with manual weight to sell weighted item.
WIC Tender [60] The WIC key allows tendering the transaction via a WIC Voucher or electronic payment.
WIC F/V Tender [61] The WIC F/V key allows tendering to a WIC F/V Voucher.
X-Report [94] Use to display and or print a shift report.
Z-Report [100] Use to close out the register and print a shift report without performing a media declaration.

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